End of Term 2 / Plans for Term 3

What can I say, time flies when you are having fun and indeed, we have had a tremendous Term 2. Your children have worked incredibly hard and made themselves proud.

If you had the opportunity to join us for the coffee morning, you saw their work and the presentations of the activities this term. We have come a long way from Term 1 and pleased to say our small steps is helping us to build a strong community school.

I am immensely proud and so should you.

We are finally there, and Brook Academy will be closed for the Festive Holidays on Friday 22nd December 2023 at 12.30 and open on Monday 8th January 2024 at 8.30. Your child’s taxi company has been informed about the closing time on the last day of term and will be picking up and dropping them in the afternoon. There will be a presentation of gifts for your child in an Assembly to reward them for their hard work from September-December 2023.

PS-Academy Website

Please note that the Academy Website is still under construction and taking longer than usual. I am aware of the inconvenience this may be causing with communication and would encourage you to contact the Academy Office directly with any queries you may have regarding term dates etc.

Attached to this letter will be the Term Dates for the remaining time of the Academic Year and will be sending you any updates via your email and other contact details.

May I take this opportunity on behalf of All Staff at Brook Academy to say thank you for working with us and supporting us in our new venture.

We wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Thank you once again for your support to make Brook Academy a great place for your child to attend.

Mr K Sarpong
Principal (Safeguarding Lead)
Brook Academy

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Brook Academy
Mill Lane
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Brook Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590