Students at Brook Academy were given valuable insights into a range of future jobs and further education options during the school’s second annual careers event.
Building on the success of last year’s inaugural event, the careers day linked students with a number of key stakeholders from the education and employment sectors.
Students had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals, ask questions, and explore potential career opportunities, helping them make informed decisions about their future.
In addition to benefiting students, the event also provided crucial support for families, signposting them to a variety of services available to them.
Brook Principal Kay Sarpong said: “It was fantastic to see our students engaging with professionals from different industries and education.
“This event is an important part of our commitment to preparing young people for their next steps.
We are extremely grateful to all the businesses and organisations that took the time to inspire and guide our students.”
Brook Academy students have had an assembly on the mis-use of substances from a PCSO.
We’ve just recently held our first progress review with parents, we had some really positive feedback that we would like to share on our website. We really appreciate your feedback.
The Brook Academy hosted a dynamic and informative Careers Fair for 40 young people from Years 7-10, aimed at inspiring their next steps into education or the work place.
Organisations participating in this collaborative venture included Bridge Learning Campus, Renshaw, University of Gloucestershire, SGS College, Aim-Up, TMS Mentoring & Stroud College. Each of these partners provided insightful information and guidance to students who interacted with great enthusiasm.
Kay Sarpong, Interim Principal at The Brook Academy, said: “This event was about demonstrating equity, resilience, and togetherness in our school community to create opportunities for all learners in their own way.”