Brook Academy is an SEMH/SCLN school providing education for KS3-4 learners with EHCP.
Mission Statement
Brook Academy empowers the next generation of young people by providing a platform which
creates opportunities for their lifelong journey. We value and promote creativity and teach
transferable life skills, which are bespoke to meet the needs of the young people we work with.
The holistic education we provide helps our young people develop and transition through the
Academy and beyond.
We have high expectations for all our students and seek to guide our individual young people on
their chosen path towards their peak potential.
The aim of the school is to promote inclusion, raise standards of behaviour and achievement by
proactive early intervention. This will support schools in reducing suspensions and permanent
Pupils are likely, but not exclusively, to have experienced school attendance issues, social,
emotional or behavioural difficulties. Pupils who will benefit from a placement at Brook Academy
are likely to fall into the following categories: –
o Pupils who are disaffected with mainstream education to such an extent that continuation
of a full-time placement in their setting is no longer a positive option
o Pupils who have social and emotional issues which are impacting on their education. This
may manifest itself through negative and challenging behaviours or withdrawal from
education and school life.
o Pupils who have been bullied, or have bullied others
o Pupils who have had patterns of poor school attendance and cannot re-establish consistent
attendance at their mainstream setting
o Pupils who are disadvantaged and vulnerable due to a range of social circumstances (e.g.
families experiencing risks such as poverty, substance misuse, mental health issues)
The purpose of this document is to set out the school’s admission policy and to demonstrate that
pupil admissions will be fair, open and transparent. The admissions policy will:
o Enable Brook Academy to provide a structured, stable environment which will ensure that
we are able to meet the individual needs of each pupil with EHCP
o Support the aims of Brook Academy which is to re-engage pupils with learning prepare
them for their next destination (Post –16)
Admission Arrangements
For a child to be admitted, the school must be named, by a local authority, in the child’s Education
Health Care Plan (EHCP). Brook Academy will work in partnership with local authorities and
parents/carers to assess the suitability of a student’s referral through the annual review process.
Brook Academy will organise pupils into classes according to need. We will specialise in providing
high quality provision for students, primarily those with EHCPs for Social, Emotional Mental Health
(SEMH) or those with some Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) from ages 11-16
years. There is no fee payable by the parents/carers for their child to attend Brook Academy. The
academy is unable to offer places to students whose families wish to pay such a fee.
Consults (Local Authority)
Pupil Admission Numbers
Brook Academy has a published pupil admission number of up to 80 full-time equivalent (FTE)
Pupils will not be admitted above the published admission number unless there are exceptional
Admission Procedures (See Appendix 1 for Induction Process)
Brook Academy understands that making transitions can be difficult for students with SEMH or
SLCN or who have been excluded from their previous school. The priority we will place upon
getting these transitions right, therefore, means all staff within Brook Academy are involved, from
the Academy Leadership Team through to students. It requires building excellent links with
external agencies and parents/carers.
Brook Academy identifies two major periods of transition: transition into Brook Academy and
transition from Brook Academy to life beyond. Parents/carers and pupils will be invited to visit
Brook Academy once an appropriate consult has been received from the Local Authority. The
transition into Brook Academy will be tailored to the unique circumstances and needs of each
pupil, recognising they may have had a period of non-attendance, poor engagement or anxiety
around school that could impact effective and successful transition. Transition programmes will be
planned and shared with parents/carers and pupils once placement at Brook Academy has been
Appendix 1
Induction Checklist (Core)
Induction Checklist (SEN)
Student Name: __________________________
SEN Induction Pathway
1. SENCo to receive consult and begin information gathering to
ascertain suitability of provision
2. Home-visit/visit to site (as appropriate) to discuss needs and
3. Official response to consult sent to SEN (within 14 days)
4. Student Profile started by SENCo
5. Home visit completed by pastoral team and Student Profile
6. Contracts signed and Student Profile amended
7. Academic baselines completed and Student Profile amended
8. SEN meeting and assessments completed and Student Profile
9. Meeting with key adults and first lunch with peers (if
10. First half day in lessons (if appropriate) and Student Profile
Key for
Admin Team Curriculum
Lead/Teachers Pastoral Lead SEN Tea