SEND stands for special educational needs and disability.

All children are individuals and their abilities in each area of the curriculum can vary across a wide spectrum.

Class teachers are used to providing lessons and activities which ensure good progress for pupils whatever their level of ability.

However, there are situations where a child’s needs are such that it is difficult for a class teacher to provide appropriately for them without additional and/or specialist support. This is usually when a child is described as having ‘special needs’.

All schools have a duty to be accessible and inclusive for the children within their community. It is our job to support parents in providing the best possible education for children. For the vast majority of children, that will be through attending their local mainstream school. However, for a small number of children, their needs may be met at an alternative setting or specialist provision. In those circumstances, we have a role to support parents in identifying and accessing what is best for their child.

What is SEND – special educational needs and disabilities

A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision, in addition to what is provided for their other peers, to be made for him or her. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child’s ability to learn. They can broadly affect their:

  • Ability to understand/process information socially and in learning.
  • Reading, writing, numeracy.
  • Ability to concentrate and focus on a task.
  • Emotional or mental health – maintaining a positive self-esteem and feelings, leading to anxiety or low mood.
  • Behaviour – learning to regulate their emotions; and social interaction – the way they talk to adults and other children.
  • Sensory/physical ability, including visual, hearing, motor coordination, spatial awareness or medical.

Who can I talk to find out more?

Rebecca Mullins – SENCO – [email protected]


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Brook Academy
Mill Lane
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Brook Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590