Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Term 3

Happy New Year and a warm welcome to Term 3. All the young people have returned to school with big smiles and positive attitude.

Events in Term 3

We will be continuing with our work on the Brook Curriculum focusing on Assessments, Progress, Cultural Capital and Learning Outside the Classroom to meet need.

Year 8 Swimming

All Year 8 Students will have the opportunity to have advanced swimming lessons this term at Tewksbury Academy after a successful trial with Year 7’s last year. They will be taught by trained swim teachers supported by their class teachers and support staff. The sessions will be on Wednesday afternoons as part of their timetable and will be travelling on the School Mini-Bus. The first session will be on Wednesday 17th Jan-Wednesday 6th March 2024.

Your child’s teacher will contact you with more information on Swim Kit.

Whole School PE Programme (Trampolining)

We are also very privileged to offer all our students as part of PE trampolining sessions. Each year group will have a timetabled session. Your child will need additional clothing for their session and their teacher will contact you to let you know.

Showcase/Careers/Service Event-Friday 26th January 20224-12.00pm-2.00pm

We are excited to be hosting our first Brook Careers event as part of our Careers and WEX Programme. There will be stalls from colleges, employers, professional services, local businesses, and other organisations showcasing their work and opportunities for students and their families. We would like you to join us if you are available to take advantage of the support and ask questions about your child’s future and next destination from Brook at the end of Year 11.

Medication/Administering First Aid.

Please help us to ensure your child is safe by informing us about their medication and the impact. We have had incidents where young people have come to school without taking their medication and this can make them unsettled as well as unsafe to themselves and others.

Please let us know if your child does not have their medication for any reason so that we can support them appropriately during the school day.

We would also like to have your permission to administer First Aid during the school day if they have an accident. There will be a consent form sent home next week for you to sign for us so that we can provide First Aid in the event of an incident.

Update on Academy Website

Our website is now being updated with relevant information and will soon be launched. Whilst this is being sorted, please contact school for any queries.

May I take this opportunity on behalf of All Staff at Brook Academy to say thank you for working with us and supporting us in our new venture.

Thank you once again for your support to make Brook Academy a great place for your child to attend.

Mr K Sarpong
Principal (Safeguarding Lead)
Brook Academy

Contact Us

Brook Academy
Mill Lane
Contact Us
Brook Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590